The Union

The Union



can be found in the attachment on a separate page. To the statute


at the District Court of Cologne can be found in the attachment on a separate page. To the document


Charitable Approval

by the Cologne tax office can be found in the attachment on a separate page. To the document


The board

can be found on a separate page. to the side

You can read the goals and purposes of the Articles of Association according to § 2 of the Articles of Association directly here on the page:

Goals and purposes of the statutes according to § 2 of the statutes:

1. Support through donations in kind and money both for treatments by western and by the indigenous medicine of Sri Lanka and disaster relief (e.g. floods). 2. Establishment of outpatient practices and construction of buildings for inpatient treatment. Equipment of medical institutions. Supporting the training of therapists for practical aspects of indigenous medicine. integration measures for the disabled. 3. Support with suitable measures (including drug prevention) for leisure activities for young people. Creation of retirement and nursing homes. 4. Support for local kindergartens and schools with donations in kind (teaching materials and furniture). establishment of libraries. Implementation of extracurricular tutoring for particularly needy children. Support and advice on career choices for boys and girls leaving school. 5. Environmental education events in cooperation with kindergartens and schools. Practical help for self-help in keeping the soil healthy, the rice fields with optimization of irrigation. Establishment of technologies (recycling of plastic) that reduce pollution. 6. Support for improving the living conditions of stray dogs and cats (castration, sterilization, feeding) 7. Animal husbandry - especially beekeeping of the almost extinct honey bee (Apis cerana) with the aim of enabling the cultivation of local vegetables. Helping people to help themselves by growing fruit and vegetables on their own land.
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