1. Donations in kind and money

Project 1: donations in kind and money, medical aid, disaster relief

Heart surgery in Colombo August 2020 for a young man, the friends of the village are allowed to be there

Flood in September 2019

Since the beginning of the pandemic in 2020 and the economic crisis in 2022, feeding the poor has been taking place again and again.

In September 2019, the annual flooding after heavy monsoon rains was so strong that we started a spontaneous relief effort. Many people in the village ran out of supplies and began to starve. Sampath organized 200 packed lunches in the neighboring village, which remained dry, and distributed them together with some helpers. This only worked with the help of a raft or you had to wade through the chest-deep water. Since the water unfortunately took many days to drain away, further help was carried out. In November 2019, two old men from Jamburegoda underwent eye surgery and were able to see well again. The Corona crisis is also having a negative impact on village life. Since many live from tourism here on the south coast and which has collapsed completely since mid-March 2020, the association helps with great need by feeding the poor and making donations. A young man had to undergo an appendix operation in July 2020. In August 2020, a young man from the village underwent heart surgery in Colombo. 5 (!) friends can spend the night in the hospital free of charge (very simply on the floor in the neighboring room) and give the patient emotional support. (See also the video!) The operations were financed both by fundraising in the village and by additional donations from the association. Personal initiative is paramount! Most people, especially in the villages, have no health insurance. The village solidarity community functions in its original form: people go to the village to collect money for the sick. This has also been the case in our operations. But since the heart surgery in particular was a bit more expensive, the association stepped in according to its motto "help for self-help".

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